Saturday, March 24, 2007

EMI Moves Into Online Video?

Gotuit is among scores of new sites that are being compared to YouTube - the big difference is that it serves up mainstream music videos, news and sports, and does not include any user-generated content. They also don’t allow external embedding on sites like MySpace, hi5, Friendster and blogs. Gotuit is supported by 15 second ads between clips, and no doubt EMI is getting a good cut of that revenue. They have some social features too, like sharing a link via email and creating a list of favorites, but in reality the social aspect is much less apparent than on the YouTube contenders - Metacafe, iFilm and the rest. Copyright holders probably love the fact that Gotuit is so locked down, but for the users, it’s not such a good deal.

What’s not clear is whether this rules out a deal with YouTube - could EMI partner with both video sites, or have they already made their move into online video?

Here’s the press release.

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